Abbey Road Studios launches two new recording spaces

Abbey Road Studios is bidding to attract “a whole new generation of artists” with a pair of new studios which open in London this week.

The Gatehouse and The Front Room aim to help make Abbey Road’s award-winning studio facilities and talent ‘accessible to all recording artists, from emerging songwriters and groups to established musicians’.

Featuring a multi-surfaced live space, The Gatehouse (pictured above) offers a mix of classic analogue gear and cutting edge digital audio workstation (DAW) integration.

This includes a AMS Neve 16 fader BCM10/2 Mk2 recording console, support for Pro Tools HDX2, Logix X and Abelton music production software and an outboard boasting UA, API, Neve, Chandler  and Bricasti audio hardware.

An ideal set-up for smaller recordings and music production, The Front Room (pictured below) offers the same audio equipment setup as The Gatehouse but features a SSL 24 fader Duality delta recording console.

The spaces are more affordable than Abbey Road’s legendary Studio One, Two and Three, and have been created by renovating and transforming the main townhouse front room and garage area of Abbey Road.

“We are investing in our core business to ensure we maintain Abbey Road as a vibrant recording studio, with the two new studios designed to expand our appeal to a wide range of music creators.”

Isabel Garvey, Abbey Road Studios

Abbey Road Studios also recently added a new new mix stage with Dolby Atmos Premier Studio Certification.

The introduction of The Gatehouse and The Front Room means Abbey Road Studio’s recording facilities accommodate everything from large orchestral recordings through to vocal overdubs, with studio rooms catering for every A&R and recording budget.

Isabel Garvey, Managing Director at Abbey Road Studios said: “The opening of the new studios is one of the biggest events in Abbey Road Studios’ unique history. It shows our commitment to quality recording, the creative environment and our belief that combined with our award-winning expertise, we can attract a whole new generation of artists through our doors.

“We are investing in our core business to ensure we maintain Abbey Road as a vibrant recording studio, with the two new studios designed to expand our appeal to a wide range of music creators.”


Music Business Worldwide [STAGING]

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