Carlin Music signs deal with New York publisher Big House

Carlin Music UK has signed a three-year deal to sub-publish New York-based Big House Publishing.

Headed up by Christian Cedras and Krista Retto, Big House offers clients a range of services including sync, development and co-writes.

Peter Thomas, Carlin MD, said: “I am delighted to announce our new deal to represent and work with Big House Publishing.

“In just a few short years Christian and Krista at BHP have built an impressive reputation with an incredible portfolio of writers, artists and producers and we are privileged to have this opportunity to work with them”

Big House Publishing’s Co-Founder & Head of Licensing, Krista Retto, adds, “From the very first call with Peter, the excitement between us bubbled over.

“It was like we had known and worked with them for years but had discovered long, lost secrets we’re just dying to share.

“I’m extremely proud and hopeful for the opportunities we will explore together for our stable of writers, producers, bands and solo acts – particularly in sync from my perspective, but also heftily across co-writes and collaborations.

“The UK market is extremely important to our rosters’ growth.”Music Business Worldwide [STAGING]

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