Independents join forces to battle major label streaming playlists

A project is underway to launch a new playlist brand on Spotify and other streaming services which represents independent labels worldwide.

The major labels own successful playlist brands including Digster (Universal), Topsify (Warner) and Filtr (Sony), which boast more than 7m followers between them.

(Update: To clarify, that 7m figure refers to profile followers. Across all of its playlists combined, Filtr alone has more than 21m followers.)

Today, the Association of Independent Music (AIM) has released an official Request For Proposals (RFP) to organisations and individuals interested in helping creating a comparable playlist brand for the independents.

AIM CEO Alison Wenham commented: “This project has been under development since April this year and we are now ready to move to the next stage.

“We’ve been making great progress behind the scenes and now we just need the right people to make this vision a reality.”

Sammy Andrews, Cooking Vinyl

“The independents are already doing very well in the streaming markets and on playlists in particular, but as this market grows we want to ensure that our success continues to grow.”

​Cooking Vinyl Head Of Digital, Sammy Andrews, has been heading up development of the playlist brand.

She commented: “I’m absolutely delighted at the response from the global independent community and trade bodies to the Independent Playlist Brand idea.

“We’ve been making great progress behind the scenes and now we just need the right people to make this vision a reality to benefit the independent record label community worldwide ”

Interested parties should email for more details. Music Business Worldwide [STAGING]

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