Musixmatch partners with AI company Runway to let artists generate AI-powered lyric videos

Music data and lyrics platform Musixmatch has teamed up with artificial intelligence company Runway to allow musicians and creators to convert their lyrics into video content.

The collaboration integrates Runway’s generative video models with Musixmatch’s music data library. This integration allows musicians, regardless of their technical expertise, to easily produce lyric videos for their music, according to a press release.

Musixmatch’s new video tool delves into a song’s lyrics, extracting key themes. This analysis then curates visuals from an integrated library, resulting in a video that “represents the essence of a song” according to Musixmatch. 

The platform offers a “simple and intuitive” experience, added Musixmatch. Artists choose a song, upload the audio, and select from pre-designed templates. Alternatively, they can personalize their lyric video with fonts, colors, animations, and special effects.

“Runway’s models and tools will help these artists expand how they express their creative vision through video, and will help them forge deeper connections with their listeners and audiences around the world.”

Cristobal Valenzuela, Runway

The tool can also directly export the compositions as 30-second clips to create assets for social media, and Spotify Canvas.

“We are thrilled to be able to put Runway’s models and creative experience directly into the hands of Musixmatch’s unique community of artists and musicians,” said Runway CEO Cristobal Valenzuela.

“Runway’s models and tools will help these artists expand how they express their creative vision through video, and will help them forge deeper connections with their listeners and audiences around the world.”

The development of Musixmatch Lyric Videos involved close collaboration with the company’s artist community. 

“Fans love lyric videos. Especially with our music and words being so packed with colors, detail, nuances, and Easter eggs. It lets out fans connect even more to what we’re saying,” said Earthgang, a Hip-hop duo from Atlanta.

“Lyrics to Video will give artists quick ways to continue delivering the story they’re telling to their fans, giving them a more in-depth look into the ideas behind the world we’re creating.”


“Artists will have more attempts at illustrating ideas which will yield a greater variety of creative results. With standard visual creation not using AI you’re more confined to just finishing a concept and going with that to save on labor and budget. Lyrics to Video will give artists quick ways to continue delivering the story they’re telling to their fans, giving them a more in-depth look into the ideas behind the world we’re creating,” the duo added.

The feature is available to artists with a Musixmatch Pro account.

Founded in 2010, Musixmatch claims to have assembled the world’s largest lyrics catalog. With lyrical content for millions of songs across over 80 languages, Musixmatch provides its metadata to DSPs including Amazon Music, Apple Music, Google, Instagram, Spotify, and Tidal.

In 2022, the company secured a strategic investment from TPG Growth.

“Today, our incredibly talented songwriters and musicians have a new assistant with whom to collaborate when making videos, powered by Musixmatch’s unique ability to extract the meaning from lyrics and Runway’s best-in-class generative video models.”

Marco Paglia, Musixmach

Marco Paglia, Musixmach Chief Product Officer, said: “With AI we are witnessing a new form of creativity that simply put ‘thinks different’. Today, our incredibly talented songwriters and musicians have a new assistant with whom to collaborate when making videos, powered by Musixmatch’s unique ability to extract the meaning from lyrics and Runway’s best-in-class generative video models.

“This will enable more music creators to make videos and drive continued innovation in this space. If this is just day one, I can’t wait to see what the future holds.”

Elsewhere at Musixmatch, the company appointed veteran music executive Rio Caraeff as Chief Business Officer in November.

Music Business Worldwide [STAGING]

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