Bob Roback


Bob Roback is the former CEO of Ingrooves.

Roback held the role from 2015 to April 2022.

Bob Roback: Career so far

Considered a pioneer in the digital music arena, Bob Roback co-founded LAUNCH Media in 1994 – one of the world’s first digital music enterprises. It was acquired by Yahoo! in 2001, with Roback becoming Head of Music at the company and overseeing its global music operations until 2007.

After leaving Yahoo!, Roback co-founded and served as CEO of Dashbox, a workflow management system and marketplace for music licensing. Similarly to LAUNCH, Dashbox was acquired by FilmTrack in 2014. Roback also served as Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Media Farm, a company which owns and manages entertainment intellectual property.

Roback joined guitar giant Fender as President in February 2014. He remains a Board member.

In 2015, Roback was named CEO of Ingrooves parent company, Isolation Network.

Ingrooves was sold to Universal Music Group in 2019.Music Business Worldwide [STAGING]

Bob Roback In The News

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