Ryan Newman promoted to Head of Editorial for Apple Music in the UK

Apple Music has promoted Ryan Newman to the position of Head of Editorial in the UK and Ireland.

Newman (pictured) joined Apple Music in 2018 and was previously Editor of 1Xtra – the BBC‘s flagship hip-hop and grime radio station.

In that role, he devised and implemented music strategy at the network, shaping its musical direction.

In his new role, Newman is understood to report to George Ergatoudis, Head of Music at Apple Music UK.

Newman’s promotion follows the departure of former Apple Music Head of Editorial for the UK & Ireland, Austin Daboh, who, was confirmed today (June 9) to have joined Atlantic Records UK as Executive Vice President.

Daboh posted a tweet earlier today, writing: “Also – MASSIVE congratulations to Ryan Newman who has been made Head of Editorial for Apple Music! Another black brother given a leading position at a global company.”Music Business Worldwide [STAGING]

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