Sony Music Publishing launches global ‘Songwriter Assistance’ wellness program

Credit: Rankin

Sony Music Publishing has launched a program called Songwriter Assistance, which will provide its global roster of songwriters and composers with access to free, confidential counseling services and wellness resources.

Starting February 1, Songwriter Assistance will offer 24/7 counseling support via global hotlines, as well as ongoing counseling services for emotional health matters such as stress, anxiety, depression, and family/relationship challenges. 

The new initiative follows the launch of Sony Music Entertainment‘s own wellness-focused program called Artist Assistance, in September.

Artist Assistance expanded SME’s “Artists Forward” initiative, which counted the company’s widely applauded Legacy Unrecouped Balance Program as its flagship program.

The Legacy Unrecouped Balance Program was extended to songwriters in July, with Sony Music Publishing revealing that it would disregard unrecouped balances going forward for qualifying songwriters.

With Songwriter Assistance, Sony Music Publishing says that songwriters will also have unlimited access to customized resources for tackling daily responsibilities such as researching childcare and eldercare options, in addition to “navigating life transitions, co-parenting, budgeting for major life events, and more”.

Songwriter Assistance expands upon Sony Music Publishing’s Songwriter Forward Legacy Unrecouped Balance Program, established last year to create new earnings opportunities for legacy songwriters.

The company says that it is also a continuation of its “efforts to break the stigma around mental health and wellness with its ‘Soundtrack of Mental Health’ program”.

“The importance of wellness cannot be overstated, and with Songwriter Assistance, we look forward to offering a whole new level of care and support.”

Jon Platt, Sony Music Publishing

In a letter sent to songwriters and composers announcing the program, and seen by MBW, Jon Platt, Chairman and CEO, Sony Music Publishing, said: “We are committed to providing you with services that matter.

“The importance of wellness cannot be overstated, and with Songwriter Assistance, we look forward to offering a whole new level of care and support.”

“We are passionate about taking care of Sony Music Publishing’s songwriters and composers and providing them with the best level of support.”

Amy Cranford, Sony Music Publishing 

Amy Cranford, Senior Vice President, Publishing Administration, Sony Music Publishing added: “We are passionate about taking care of Sony Music Publishing’s songwriters and composers and providing them with the best level of support.

“As we continue to expand our services with Songwriters Forward, we are proud to implement SMP’s Songwriter Assistance initiative.”

You can read Jon Platt’s letter to the company’s global roster of songwriters in full below:

Dear Songwriters and Composers,

Today, I am pleased to announce our new wellness offering, Songwriter Assistance.

Starting February 1, as a member of Sony Music Publishing’s global roster of songwriters, you will now have access to free, confidential counseling services, as well as additional resources to support your well-being.

Songwriter Assistance will offer 24/7 counseling support via global hotlines, as well as ongoing counseling services for emotional health matters such as stress, anxiety, depression, and family/relationship challenges. You will also have unlimited access to customized resources to help tackle daily responsibilities, from researching childcare/eldercare options to budgeting for major life events, and more.

As I mentioned in December, we are continuing to expand our support around the evolving needs of songwriters and composers, and we are not done.

We are committed to providing you with services that matter. The importance of wellness cannot be overstated, and with Songwriter Assistance, we look forward to offering you a new level of care and support.Music Business Worldwide [STAGING]

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